Welcome to Rush, Witt & Wilson
1066 Country’s Busiest Estate Agent Selling More Property in the Area than Anyone Else
Founded in Hastings in 1993 our reputation for quality of service and keen endeavour earmarked us for success. Over the years we have been entrusted with the sale of some of the most important and historic properties in the area acting for clients as diverse as Hastings Borough Council, H M Treasury and the Diocese of Chichester. We have advised and sold many of the landmark developments in the area. We now have seven offices in 1066 Country and the Weald of Kent dealing with all types of property, specialising particularly in the sale of residential property, new homes and lettings across the area.
Our clients appreciate our professional service and attention proven by the incredible number of genuine unsolicited testimonials. Many of our loyal staff do not measure service to the community in months or years but decades.
We sell more property in 1066 Country than any other agent and we have done for years. Independently recognised as the best agent in the area by Relocation Agent Network, we set the bench mark for service and quality. If you want to maximise your chances of moving you must use the estate agent with the strongest local network, there can be no other serious choice.
Thank you for visiting our website. We look forward to you taking the next step and contacting your local office.